I joined Highlands Health and Wellness 3 years ago as a young woman in my late twenties for help with hormone and fertility issues. Jessica, the wellness coach, met with me as often as needed to tailor exercise and nutrition to my needs, and to make those changes sustainable for me and my long-term health. Dr. Shelley worked through the notoriously finicky hormonal issues with the most thoughtful, methodical, and wholistic care that I have ever received. I appreciate her approach: starting with scientific data-gathering, then with gentle interventions based on that data to build up the body, and stepping up the intensity as needed until the problems have been solved. With their guidance, my hormonal issues began improving right away, and I gradually lost weight, removed obstacles in the way of my fertility, and gained energy and fitness. I am now nearing the end of a relatively easy pregnancy. I think I escaped many of the pregnancy symptoms beloved to be ‘normal’ because of of the hard work we put in to improve every aspect of my health and lifestyle habits to build a solid foundation for welcoming this baby into our family. I’m so grateful for their help!
Before I found Highlands Health and Wellness I had seen multiple doctors in different states and none of them were able to help me get my Adrenal Fatigue under control. In many cases the doctors caused more problems than they helped. I spent 3 years just trying to survive the treatments and not getting any better.

Almost immediately after I started implementing the plan Dr Meyer put together my energy level improved which allowed me to exercise again without doing damage to my cortisol levels. I actually achieved higher cortisol levels than I had in over a decade, WITHOUT being on steroids or replacement medication. And for the past few years my levels hit and maintained a healthy range. 

I had told all my previous doctors that I felt like my thyroid was not working properly and they all told me I was wrong. Dr Meyer was the only one who listened and once she put me on thyroid medication many of my unexplained health issues went away and I had even more energy. 
I can honestly say that if it wasn’t for Dr Meyer I would not be as healthy as I am now. 
In addition, Dr Meyer’s brilliance in providing nutritional services that works hand in hand with her treatment plans truly puts Highlands Health and Wellness ahead of so many other doctor’s offices. I can’t thank everyone at Highlands Health and Wellness enough. They are a pleasure to work with, so much so that I actually look forward to going to the doctor.