What conditions do we treat?
Traditionally, patients are used to seeing a doctor for every part of their body: rheumatologists for autoimmune disease, cardiologists for the heart, gastroenterologists for the digestive system, neurologists for the brain and nervous system, orthopedists for the joints, and ophthalmologists for your eyes. Conversely, in our functional medicine practice we treat the body as a whole and we work on helping the systems within your body communicate better. We study patterns and pathways and work to bring your body back into balance.
Though we approach things from a whole-body perspective, here are some examples of the conditions we commonly treat:
Adrenal dysfunction
AsthmaAutoimmune disease
Cardiovascular disease
Chronic fatigue
Chronic sinusitis
Digestive disorders (IBD, IBS, GERD/Reflux)
Elevated cholesterol
Environmental and food allergies
Female disorders (PMS, Menopause, Infertility, PCOS)
Hormonal imbalances
Interstitial cystitis
Mercury and heavy metal toxicity
Metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes, insulin resistance
Migraines and headaches
Overweight and obesity
Sleep disorders and insomnia
Thyroid disorders
Wholesale Labs
Highland’s Health & Wellness also offers wholesale laboratory tests at a fraction of the cost. This is great for people who prefer to pay cash for their medical costs, are unsure of what their insurance coverage will be, or have a high deductible insurance plan. This service allows patients to know what the cost of their labs are up front, rather than being charged the marked-up commercial lab cost after your insurance denies your claim. If you would like these discounted cash prices, discuss with your practitioner when ordering labs.
Wholesale Medications & Discounted Professional Supplements
Another perk to the Highland’s Health & Wellness Membership is wholesale pharmaceutical medications and discounted professional supplements. With our wholesale medications, you will skip the pharmacy markup and pay less out of pocket, saving up to 80% on prescription drugs! Talk to your provider about what medication you would like to see in stock. We also offer professional supplements 25% off the retail price to help you keep up your treatment plan on a budget. Once our team has prescribed you a supplement, she will place it in our supplement dispensary site. You will then receive an email to purchase with our discount, and the supplements will be mailed directly to your residence. We do keep some select supplements in the office; call to see if your supplement is in stock. Please note, some supplements require special order and cannot be delivered directly to your home.
Please use any of the pharmacies below to buy your supplements.

Get in touch
Highlands Health & Wellness- now located inside the Nurture Wellcare Markeplace
Phone Hours
Monday through Friday
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
***urgent calls after 4 pm will be redirected to the urgent line.
Lunch Hours
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Hours will vary per provider, please call before coming in and we will best match your schedule with our provider for that day.