Let’s explore 3 popular diets that are trending right now.  

Ketogenic Diet (keto)-this is a diet where you will  be eating about 70-80% fat, 15% protein, and 5-10% carbohydrate.  This changes your body’s fuel source from glucose to producing ketones which are formed by the liver and burned for energy.  

Pros: 1. Reduces Insulin

  1. May lead to weight loss
  2. Hopefully increase healthy fat
  3. Detox from sugar. 

Cons:1.It is extremely strict and can be difficult to follow

  1. Some people may end up eating unhealthy fats (saturated fats) or choosing poor quality foods.
  2. It may not promote significant long term weight loss
  3. You may not be eating as much fiber since this diet is lower in plant based nutrients.

Paleo Diet-this diet is based on getting back to eating like our ancestors.  It encourages whole animal and animal products,

vegetables, raw nuts and seeds, added fats (coconut oil, avocado, butter, ghee).  It limits all grains, processed foods, legumes,

dairy, and heavily processed oils (veg/canola.)  

Pros:  1.The diet emphasizes whole foods, lean protein, vegetables, and healthy fats and limits processed foods and       sugars which can lead to inflammation.

2.Can be simpler to follow in that you are not counting calories or macronutrient percentages.  

Cons:  1. The diet may not be for everyone since you would be eliminating legumes, whole grains, dairy, which these foods groups also have health benefits. 

  1. May be hard to follow long term
  2. May not be great for athletes, especially endurance due to low carbs.

Whole 30-the original premise was meant to hit the “reset” button on your eating habits.  A goal to heal and recover.   It is not meant to be long term, it will be for 30 days.  In this diet it is ok to eat meat, seafood, eggs, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, and healthy oil.  You will avoid all grains, sugar, soy, alcohol, dairy, legumes, MSG.  The goal is to follow this for 30 days and then slowly re-introduce each food group over at least a 10 day period, 1 food group at a time.  

Pros:  1. It is not long term and it can give you an idea on how certain foods affect you and get more in tune with your body. 

  1. Weight loss when decreasing multiple food groups, especially sugar/grains.
  2. It is supposed to allow you to focus on other changes in your body like sleep patterns, energy, overall feeling, food intolerances/sensitivities. 

Cons: 1.  It is restrictive, it may be hard to follow for some people and a lot of foods are off limits. 

  1. It categorizes food as good and bad. 
  2. It is a diet higher in meat which may not be ideal for everyone 4.  What happens when you add foods back in your diet, especially if they are higher sugar containing/fast food.


All of the above diets have been associated with weight loss, improved metabolism, increased energy levels, and can help in digestive and inflammatory issues.   It is always important to follow a diet pattern which promotes both nutritious foods and moderation of foods or possibly food groups. Some key takeaways we could all follow safely: 

  1. Eat more fresh whole food replacing processed foods and added sugars.
  2. Choose quality products such as organic, non-GMO, and animal products that are grass fed. 
  3. Learn to choose and eat healthier fats. 
  4. Increase fiber