Here are some diet considerations if you are struggling with a low functioning thyroid. Hypothyroidism seems to be becoming more common in our society. You may discover on a routine blood test that your TSH is elevated, maybe you have been diagnosed with Hashimotos Thyroiditis, or even know you have a strong family history of Hashimotos and want to start with prevention.

Some common symptoms you may experience:

  • Fatigue
  • Low mood
  • Difficulty losing weight
  • Dry skin and hair
  • Constipation
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Sensitivity to cold
  • Hair Loss

Here are a few contributing risk factors from your diet which can cause thyroid problems:

  1. A diet high in processed foods, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and unhealthy fats
  2. Deficiencies in key nutrients: Iodine, Selenium, and Zinc
  3. Gluten can initiate thyroid antibody production causing inflammation and damage which may be a factor in Hashimotos Thyroiditis

What can you eat:

  1. Overall, try to eat a diet based on whole, unprocessed foods, which include lean protein, moderate amounts of gluten-free grains, seeds, and high antioxidant fruits/vegetables (colorful).
  2. Include Iodine rich foods. The best sources are found in sea vegetables (kelp, dulse, nori), wild-caught fish (cod, yellowfin tuna), shellfish, organic eggs, organic dairy (plain greek yogurt is a good option)
  3. Selenium helps activate thyroid hormones to be used by the body and it is a powerful antioxidant which can protect the thyroid from free radicals, preventing long term damage. Incorporate 2 Brazil nuts/day, wild caught fish-yellowfin tuna, salmon, halibut, sardines, organic eggs, grass fed beef, chicken, turkey, and legumes.
  4. Zinc also helps activate thyroid hormones and regulate TSH. Food sources include shellfish like oysters, grass fed beef, organic chicken, lamb, and vegetarian sources such as mushrooms, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, quinoa.